Malahit DSP2 – Mods which are in work
Currently I am working on some mods for the Malahit DSP2. But before I recommend something concrete, I would like to do tests with different variant to really find the best components.
In the moment i make some tests with Bluetooth boards. The left one is working from 3v to 5,5v and is perfect for the 18650 cell. The little right one has the lesses interferences.
Here you can buy it
- Left:
- Middle:
- Right:

BNC Socket
I found a very good BNC socket, which is only a bit bigger than the SMA socket. The other BNC jacks I’ve had were extremely large in circumference, which would have meant that the hole for the jack would no longer stay on one side of the Malahit DSP2’s case. The new socket solves the problem and is still high quality.
Only the hole for the socket must be a little bit bigger. With the U.FL port the rest is no problem and plug and play.
Here you can buy it, the item on the right:

SMA Sockets
I make some test with other SMA to U.FL connectors. Some of them are making much interferences. The right one is the best one. All have the same diameter and can fit into the SMA socket hole of the Malahit DSP2.

BMS and 2 x 18650 cells
At the moment i test some 18650 cell holder and BMS. I already use a external BMS and 2 x 18650 cells in my Malahit DSP2. Also there are many cell holder ons the market. Some of them can fit protected 18650 cells and some of them not.
Here is the guide how to do the mod and how to buy:

U.FL Sockets
At some time i thought my U.FL socket is broken. But than i found, that the U.FL port on the SMA cable was broken. If the U.FL bushing does not survive the experiments, I can replace it.

When i finished, i create guides for all of the mods.
My DSP2 has a bad connection in the sma connector, the center pin is reccesed, and I am looking for a replacement for the SAM to U.FL pigtail, can you recommend one I can buy on-line?
this is a good SMA to UF.l adapter: The 10cm option is the best, i think
Another option would be, to use a small BNC to UF.l adapter, but for this, you have to drill the hole bigger.
Thank you Manuel
The BNC to U.FL pigtail that has been recommended ist the right one of these al ali express:
The BNC to UF.l you show here.. it looks like a (i found) 75 ohm version.
Can you tell me if that is a problem?
I would say 50ohm is a must be..(or not inpotant for receiving?)
Can you pls give me link for the BNC to UF.l adapter?
btw. thank you for the KickaSs site. Very helpful!
Hi sjaak,
i bought this item and i have no problems:
The item on the right, with the name: WP BNC F to IPEX-1 F
Thank you Manuel, very helpful. 🙂
I bought the BNC adapter linked in this post, but the nut that secures the socket on the underside is way too big. It’s about twice as big as the one supplied with the stock SMA adapter and, therefore, won’t fit inside the device at all. The PCB and part of the metal case are in the way, which prevents the nut from being able to be screwed on. It might still be possible to make it work, but only by cutting out parts from both sides of the case. Not recommended.
Like i said in the blog post: The hole must be a little big bigger. It´s no problem to fit the BNC socket in the case of the Malahit DSP2. I did this many times.
Right, the BNC socket itself will fit by making the hole larger, but I don’t get how one would fit the nut inside the device. There’s a nut that screws onto the BNC socket to secure it to the chassis, but it goes on the inside and, thus, won’t fit, as far as I can tell. I might just be totally missing something here though.